My friend's son is a sweetie. Ever since he unfortunately (for his mother that is) saw a picture of my Lightning McQueen Cake, that has been all he wanted whenever she has asked him, what he wants for his birthday. So she wanted to surprise him, and actually get it, and since that actually meant that I got to see my friend, which is way too rare these days (or years rather!), he scored some extra points in my book, even if it meant doing a repeat-cake.
Drengen har da også bestemt, hvad der skulle i hans kage, så det blev Sort Midnat´s Kage med Nutella og blåbær, smurt op med Chokolade Smørcreme og overtrukket med Pettinice fondant.
The boy might only be turning 3, but he knows what he wants, so the cake was a Black Midnight Cake with Nutella and Blueberries, coated with Chocolate Buttercream and covered in Pettinice fondant.
Selv om det har nogen fordele, at lave en kage igen, så er en af ulemperne (for mig) åbenbart, at jeg så ikke er opmærksom nok på detaljerne.. blandt andet mente jeg åbenbart, at jeg kunne lave hjulene, uden at kigge på billeder, så jeg endte med 4 af denne slags:
Even though there are some advantages to repeating a design, one of the disadvantages is (in my case), that apparently I don't pay enough attention to the details... as when I thought I could make the wheels, without looking at pictures and ended up with 4 of these:
Yeah, they had to be fixed...
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