As a typical 5-year old, Ella loves Hello Kitty, so her mother thought it could be fun with a Hello Kitty Cake for her birthday. She called me right before they got on a plane, and they needed the cake as soon as they got back, so there wasn't time to discuss details much, so it was all up to me, as long as it had something to do with Hello Kitty.
Kagen var Drømmekage-bunde med Skildpadde-creme og Jordbærfromage. Smurt op med Chokolade Smørcreme og overtrukket med Wilton's fondant.
The cake was Dreamcake layers with Chocolate-caramel Creme and Strawberry Mousse. The cake was covered in Chocolate Buttercream and Wilton's fondant.
Desværre fik jeg, som så mange andre, lov til at opleve ekstreme luftlommer mellem kage og fondant. Normalt kan man prikke et hul, lukke luften ud og glatte fondanten igen, men da fondanten svedte som jeg ved ikke hvad, var det umuligt at glatte fondanten ud igen, da smootheren bare hang fast i fondanten :/ Så nu laver jeg ikke flere kager, før vejret gider at opføre sig kage-ordentligt!
Unfortunately, I had the doubtful pleasure of experiencing the same problem, that many cake decorators seem to run into these days: Extreme airpockets between the cake and the fondant. Usually, you can use a small needle to make a hole and let the air out as you smooth out the fondant, but in this weather, the fondant was sweating badly, and the smoother was just sticking to and ruining the fondant, so I had to give up. No more cake decorating for me until the weather (cake)behaves!