mandag den 18. februar 2013

One Direction Kage / One Direction Cake

Nomis mor ville gerne overraske hende med en kage til fødselsdagen. Den skulle bare være med One Direction og i farverne gul og lilla. Her var det så jeg blev træt af, at kageprint såmænd kan findes billigt nok, men så koster de bare dobbelt så meget i forsendelse, så jeg overgav mig, og købte en sukkerprinter selv. Porto/forsendelse har det nemlig med at irritere mig vildt meget, da alt andet end storindkøb, får forsendelsesomkostningerne til at virke enorme.
Nomi's mother wanted to surprise her with a cake for her birthday. It just had to be with One Direction and in yellow and purple. This is where I once again got annoyed by the fact that you can buy cheap sugar prints, but the shipping cost is at least twice as much as the actual print so I gave in, and finally bought my own sugar printer. Shipping costs have a tendancy to annoy me, since they always seem to be comparatively enormous unless you are bulk shopping.

Kagen var lavet af klassiske lagkagebunde med Blåbærmousse og Hvid Chokoladecreme m. Daim, smurt op med Chokolade Smørcreme og overtrukket med Wilton's fondant.
The cake was made of Classic Sponge Layers with Blueberry Mousse and White Chocolate Cream with Daim (crunchy butter almond bar covered in milk chocolate), coated with Chocolate Buttercream and covered in Wilton's fondant.

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