søndag den 16. december 2012

Sort BMW Kage / Black BMW Cake

Ann-Britt skulle bruge en bilkage, og først troede jeg, at det var en McQueen kage igen, men det var (heldigvis - det er jo sjovere med noget nyt) en sort BMW kage, og da jeg spurgte om modellen, var det en E30, og så kom den til at se sådan her ud:
Ann-Britt needed a car cake, and at first I assumed it was another McQueen cake, but luckily it was a black BMW she needed (more fun to make a different cake), and when I asked about the model, it was an E30, so this is what I ended up with:

Kagen var en chokoladekage med Jordbærmousse og Chokorangecreme, smurt op med Chokolade Smørcreme og overtrukket med Wilton's fondant.
The cake was a Chocolate Cake with Strawberry Mousse and Chocolate-Orange Cream, coated with Chocolate Buttercream and covered in Wilton's fondant.

Her var inspirationen:
The inspiration:

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