Min tidligere kollega's datter skal til USA i et år (sjovt nok for at bo hos datteren til den familie, hendes far boede hos som udvekslingsstudent), og hun ville gerne have en kage til afskedsfesten. Designet var frit, så den endte sådan her:
My former colleague's daugther is going to the States for a year (and will actually be staying with the daughter of the family, that her father stayed with as an exchange student back in the day - how cool is that?), and she wanted a cake for the Farewell party. The design was up to me, so this is what I ended up with:
Kagen bestod at 1 lag chokoladeovertrukken mazarinbund og 2 Lette lagkage-bunde stænket med Amaretto, og fyldt med Jordbærmousse og friske jordbær, smurt op med Chokolade Smørcreme og overtrukket med SatinIce fondant og rød Pettinice fondant.
The cake consisted of 1 layer of chocolate covered marzipan cake and 2 layers of classic sponge, drizzled with Amaretto and filled with Strawberry Mousse and fresh strawberries, covered with Chocolate Buttercream, SatinIce fondant and red Pettinice fondant.